Thursday, June 2, 2011

Under Sail to Mt Waddington: Ready to Push for the Summit

You may remember the story in frequency TSJ #8.2 about a group that set sail for Alaska's Mt St Elias with the goal of climbing and riding 18,000 feet back to the ocean. Well, the same core crew has set sail for BC's Mt Waddington--the highest peak in BC's Coast Mountains--to attempt a circumnavigation of the peak, summit, and ride some mind-bending couloirs along the way. Down to their last few days in the mountains, conditions have improved, and it's time to make a move--this just in from Taylor Woodward late last night:

"Steve and Adam are on the upper Dais Glacier in preparation for an ascent of the South Face of Waddington, possibly starting today. This will be an alpine style ascent, probably leaving the party on the route overnight for a 30-36 hour push.

Dave and Ryan are below Jester Pass, 3 miles from Steve's camp. The parties are in contact via satellite phone. Dave and Ryan hope to ride the northwest summit of Waddington in the next two days via the Angle Glacier.

Both parties objectives are on the same massif, separated by a prominent notch over 13,000 feet.  Weather is improving. The last 12 hours has shown clearing, compared to the last five days of no vis and spotty precipitation. The weather window will remain stable throughout the duration of the trip.  The team is expected back at Homathko camp in the next five days. I am busy at Chuck's place doing carpentry, bear watching and soon to do speed trials on Chuck's prototype power catamaran on the upper Butte Inlet.

Here we go...."


Amos Loper

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